a dentist preps a patient for a root canal

How Much Does a Root Canal Cost in Concord, NH?

Team Endodontics, Root Canal Treatment

Treatment for a root canal in New Hampshire will generally cost between $500-$1500. The total price will depend upon the complexity of the treatment, and which tooth requires the root canal. The cost of the procedure does not factor in the cost of the restorative dental crown you will need.  A crown may range in price from $500- $2500. 

Dental insurance may cover a significant portion of root canal therapy and a crown. If you do not have dental insurance, credit cards are widely accepted by most dentists. You may also inquire about financing options or discounts available. 

What is a Root Canal?

A root canal is a procedure that helps to preserve natural teeth thereby avoiding the need for extraction. A root canal is required when decay in the tooth reaches the interior (pulp) of the tooth and cannot be treated with a filling.  A root canal is also required if the interior of the tooth becomes infected. 

Root canal therapy is not a painful procedure. The area surrounding the affected tooth will be completely numbed. Then, a small hole will be drilled in the top of the tooth so that your dentist can access the pulp of the tooth, and remove decay. Once all decay has been removed, the entire interior chamber of the tooth (canals) will be disinfected. In some cases, your dentist may reshape the canals of your teeth to prevent future infections. The interior of the tooth will be filled and sealed.

Most often, following a root canal, you will have a temporary crown placed on the treated tooth. You will return to the dentist in a couple of weeks to have a permanent crown placed on the tooth.  

Should I Have a Root Canal or Pull the Tooth?

It is always in your best interest to preserve your natural teeth. So, if you have a severely decayed or infected tooth, opt for a root canal instead of an extraction. When you have a root canal, the root of the tooth remains intact. Tooth roots are responsible for maintaining jawbone density. 

When you extract a tooth and its roots, your jawbone begins to deteriorate before receding. Over time this results in a sunken, aged look. By contrast, when you treat the decay and infection of the tooth with root canal therapy, your jawbone remains firmly in place.  

Missing teeth lead to a host of potential problems in the future. In addition to causing bone loss, studies show that once you’ve lost a tooth, you’re at greater risk of losing more teeth. In addition, it is common for teeth adjacent to the gap to begin shifting into the space left by a missing tooth. Over time this can lead to problems with chewing, biting, and speech.

Wherever possible, you should choose to save a tooth with a root canal rather than having the tooth extracted. 

Does Pain In My Tooth Mean I Need a Root Canal?

Throbbing pain in your tooth, when you chew or eat sugary foods is a warning sign that you may need a root canal. However, not all tooth pain means you need a root canal. Tiny fractures in the teeth, moderate tooth decay, and gum disease can all cause tooth pain. Likewise, grinding your teeth can lead to tooth pain. All of these conditions are typically treatable without the need for a root canal.  But you should see a dentist as soon as possible if you’re experiencing pain in a tooth or your gums.

Root Canal Therapy in Concord, NH

Dr. Laurie Rosato provides root canal treatment in Concord, NH, in addition to general dentistry, and cosmetic dentistry. To schedule an appointment for tooth pain or discomfort, contact us today at 603-228-9276, or request an appointment online.