TMJ Treatment in Concord

Our office provides TMJ treatment in Concord, NH. Call 603-228-9276 to schedule an appointment.
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects the jawbone to the skull. TMJ disorders often cause discomfort in the cheek, jaw, or ear areas and can affect normal jaw function.
Treating TMJ Disorder
Self-managed care: In less severe cases TMJ disorders can be treated with self-managed care, which includes eating soft foods, using ice packs, and avoiding extreme jaw movement. It also helps to find ways of reducing stress, such as practicing meditation or breathing techniques. The more you can rest the joint, the better chance you will have of finding relief.
Nonsurgical treatments: Treatments that include anti-inflammatory medications, Botox injections, or stabilization splints. These are non-invasive treatments that do not disrupt daily life but can offer quite a bit of relief. Even the stabilization splints are used at night so that you can find relief without any interference.
Surgical treatments: In more severe cases, surgical treatments, such as jaw joint replacements, may be necessary. The type of surgical treatments will vary from one patient to the next depending on the need. However, these oral surgeries come with a high success rate.
Types of TMJ Disorders
TMJ conditions fall into three main categories:
- Myofascial pain - discomfort or pain in the muscles that control jaw function (grinding teeth can result in this type of TMJ disorder)
- Internal derangement of the joint - a possible indicator of a displaced disc, dislocated jaw, or injury to the condyle
- Arthritis - a degenerative inflammatory disorder
Signs and Symptoms of TMJ
Signs and symptoms of TMJ disorders are frequently intensified by stress and can include:
- Headaches
- Soreness in the cheek or jaw area
- Pain in or around the ears
- Facial pain
- Tight jaws
- Popping or clicking sounds when opening mouth
- Locking of the jaw
- Difficulty chewing
Benefits of Treating TMJ Disorders
Treating TMJ disorder is a step in the right direction when it comes to finding relief from the discomfort. And it comes with several impactful benefits:
- You can find immediate relief from any pain or discomfort.
- Eliminate the risk of tooth damage or complex dental issues.
- In most cases, treatment works while you sleep.
- Reduce issues caused by bruxism.
- Improved ability to eat.
- Reduced ear pain.
- Improved quality of life.
- A better overall sense of wellbeing.
Remember, treating TMJ disorder can be simple and non-invasive with highly successful results.
Frequently Asked Questions About TMJ Treatment
What causes TMJ pain to flare up?
Stress plays the biggest role in TMJ pain flare-ups as it seems to lead to teeth grinding and clenching which exacerbates the symptoms.
Can anxiety contribute to TMJ disorders?
Yes! As with stress, anxiety can lead to grinding the teeth and jaw clenching - unconsciously.
Can TMJ disorder be cured permanently?
It would depend on the treatment used. Certain TMJ conditions can be corrected and be healed permanently. Other conditions can be dealt with by utilizing certain tools or oral appliances to reduce the pain and regain your quality of life.
If left untreated, will TMJ disorder go away on its own?
Eventually, yes. Most people will find that TMJ disorder’s symptoms will dissipate with time. It is important to note that if treatment is not sought to get to the root cause, the pain and other symptoms may return.
If left untreated, will TMJ disorder get worse?
Yes, it may. Over time, untreated TMJ disorder may continue to get worse. It can transition from a temporary, intermittent pain into more chronic pain.
Is your jaw wired shut after TMJ surgery?
Every situation will differ, but yes - it is not uncommon for your jaws to be wired together for about 6 to 8 weeks while healing takes place. However, it is important to consider that these surgical treatments can drastically improve life in the long run - especially as it relates to breathing, speaking, chewing, etc. And it will be without pain or discomfort.
Is TMJ disorder treatment covered by insurance?
It depends. Sometimes treatments for TMJ can be covered by either medical or dental insurance. If you are in need of treatment, you can contact your insurance carrier to discuss your benefits. Or, we can look into your coverage for you and discuss your options.
Call 603-228-9276 to schedule an appointment.